Wednesday, 14 November 2012

More progress on bricks

They have finished bricking the front fascade and all around on the first floor. SS told us that they  will aim to finish the bricking this week and install the insulation next week followed by plastering.

We booked in for an private inspection early next week. Fingers crossed.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Thursday, 8 November 2012

First floor bricking almost completed

They have almost completed the first floor bricking. Our SS advise that our bricking for the house should be completed by the end of next week followed by insulation.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Brick Stacker Doors and Fascade

They have started bricking on the garage and side.

Stacker door installation is almost complete.

They have also framed the front of the fascade.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Roof tiling almost complete

They have nearly finished tiling our roof. The tilers said they are about a day away from finishing.

Hopefully our bricks will be delivered tomorrow or next week.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

House wrapped and water pipes installed

Henley has started to wrap our house and looks like all water pipes are installed.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Roof Tiles Delivered

Our roof tiles has been delivered. They have also finished installing the gutters on the ground and first floor.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Gutter Started

They have started to install our gutters. We have been told our tiles should be delivered shortly.

We also noticed a pipe sticking out of the WIR downstairs. It's in the way of the door. Any clue what it might be? It's on our drawings...